
Take a peek into my inner-most thoughts...
Find out how I got to where I am today; how I intend to combat the erroneous beliefs and behaviors considered correct by my parents and society; and become the person I really want to be and the life I want to live.
Disclaimer: I am not a licensed professional, this website contains my personal stories, observations and opinions. Not all advice works for everyone, so use what feels right for you and your situation. And if you think you need more support, please call your personal health provider or a licensed therapist to assist you though this difficult time.
The Final Straw(s)
One Last Visit Not too long after my mother moved back to Michigan, she started calling to ask when I was going to come up …
The Possession – Exorcism
If you haven’t read any of my previous posts, I recommend you look at those first. I refer to many incidences that my husband, Ron, had done to contribute to my mental collapse. I promised to him as he read my posts; making rebuttals and fearing people would think he was really that despicable, I would give him his own post to express his point of view.
The Possession – Obsession
If you haven’t read my previous posts, The Possession – Infestation and The Possession – Oppression, I suggest you look at those first. You will find a recurring theme with a certain woman who is the wife of one of Ron’s friends. The longer he was around her, the worse it got. I have made my stand on this issue and will no longer change my mind. Ron must choose what is more important to him.
The Possession: Oppression
That was it, I was done!! I am not dealing with this anymore, he is going to make a change, or I am out of here. I still didn’t want to make a big commotion between us prior to our friends coming the next day, so my plans were to confront him after they left in a few days. I never had a chance. Within a few hours, I was positively leaving and hurt almost beyond repair.
The Possession: Infestation
Finally, I can rest, relax, and reflect on what just happened and get my life back on track. Or so I thought…
These next three journal post are going to be the hardest for me to write. The others were upsetting, but I was used to being treated that way by my mother, just not to that extreme. This came out of the blue and a complete shock.