
Take a peek into my inner-most thoughts...
Find out how I got to where I am today; how I intend to combat the erroneous beliefs and behaviors considered correct by my parents and society; and become the person I really want to be and the life I want to live.
Disclaimer: I am not a licensed professional, this website contains my personal stories, observations and opinions. Not all advice works for everyone, so use what feels right for you and your situation. And if you think you need more support, please call your personal health provider or a licensed therapist to assist you though this difficult time.
The Ninth Circle of Hell
I know some of these stories are out of order, but they are major events that occurred during the time Hurricane Meg stalled over North Georgia that made me really regret the decision I made to have my mother move in with us.
Breaking News –
This is a long, drawn-out story with lots of twist and turns. Just like a hurricane making its way through the Caribbean. It wasn’t long after my mother moved in with us that the trouble began.
The Decision That Changed My Life
I have made some really bad decisions in my life. Other bad decisions I have made, I took my lumps, learned my lesson, and moved on. But this decision I may never be able to overcome.
In the Beginning
We really don’t want to go all the way to the very beginning, we would be here forever! I am just going to start where my life took a major downturn and rapid slide into pain and despair.