As the name implies, at this stage the afflicted person has a hard time functioning, being constantly preoccupied with thoughts of the demonic activity commandeering his or her life, and frequently with thoughts of suicide as well. Sleep becomes nearly impossible.
4 degrees of demonic possession Kathleen Troost-Cramer | Mercury | @KTroostC
If you haven’t read my previous posts, The Possession – Infestation and The Possession – Oppression, I suggest you look at those first. You will find a recurring theme with a certain woman who is the wife of one of Ron’s friends. Since she is the main topic of this post, I suppose I should give her a name instead of repeating “the wife of a friend of Ron’s.” So, we shall call her Megan.
Happy New Year?
After the odd occurrence at Thanksgiving, the new year didn’t start out too well.

We went to a New Year’s Eve party where Ron’s friend and Megan were also in attendance. The night started out perfectly fine but as the night wore on, I started getting dizzy, my legs were getting wobbly; almost collapsing out from under me and I felt like vomiting. I really didn’t drink all that much, I was trying to slow down after my mother left. I had brought a bottle of white wine and was mixing it with a sparkling water and ice. By the end of the night though, I was in the upstairs bathroom over the toilet and unable to walk at all. It was so odd, nothing like that has ever happened to me before. Of course, I have drunk to much and have gotten sick in the past, but this was so much different in the fact that I couldn’t walk, and I was having paranoid thoughts that Ron and Megan were trying to kill me.
All I could attribute to this episode was earlier that evening, I had a couple of hits from a friend’s pipe to ease my back pain and headache that I was getting from the pain. I had done this a few times previously and nothing this extreme has happened before; it just took the pain away and made me a little sleepy. All I could deduce was that this was a different type than what I was used to.
The episode was so intense and scary for me that I haven’t touched the stuff since, just in case. But as time wore on, I came to realize that excuse might not have been the correct answer.
A Recurring Theme?
As the year progressed, we socialized with this couple frequently and more often than not there was alcohol involved. There we birthday parties, St. Paddy’s Day parties, pool parties or just meeting up at the local brewery. Each and every time I had the same symptoms; it felt like someone slipped me a “Mickey.” I would have no control of my thoughts, or my legs and I would get very ill to the point of dry heaves.

Even for my birthday at the local brewery I made sure not to drink a lot because we had brought our brand-new puppy with us. Even though I only had two beers and a Moscow Mule, the same thing happened; my head started spinning, I lost control of my thoughts and my legs got rubbery to the point that they felt like they were going to give out from underneath me. I was so scared that I would have a repeat of New Year’s Eve when I couldn’t walk at all. Ron blamed it on mixing the beer and the Mule – Hun?
The funny thing though was Ron, and I would go to the brewery by ourselves and I would drink three or four beers and never felt that way; no spinning head, loss of thoughts or legs.
A Coincidence?
The only other time I felt that way was when Ron and I went to the brewery on a “date”; just him and I, trying to put our crumbling marriage back together. I had about a beer and a half when I went outside to have a cigarette. While I was out there, I got that same weird feeling that my legs were going to collapse. What the heck!?! I haven’t even drunk two beers yet.
Come to find out later after we got home, I was looking on Facebook to see what was going on with my friends and I noticed that Ron had posted a picture of the brewery while we were there. He must have done that while I was out having my cigarette. The most shocking revelation was he had been chatting with Megan while I was away. Was that why I felt so odd at that exact time and not before or after? Was that a coincidence?
A huge fight ensued, I felt like throwing my computer at him. I yelled, “I can’t have one F*!@-ing date with you, just one date, without you F*!@-ing around on your phone and talking to this woman!”.

Another odd thing is that since he has met Megan, the way Ron treats me has completely changed. He treats me like an idiot; calling me names, rolling his eyes, or giving me some smart-ass remark whenever I say anything. He belittles me, berates me, and makes fun of me whenever I try to express to him how I feel about issues.
After numerous fights on the subject, Ron still gets angry, but not as much as he had previously, but enough that I am no longer comfortable around him. While the anger issue has improved, he still has said some very nasty things to me and if I called him out on it and fought back, he would always say, “I was just kidding.” For example, I was talking with him, yet again, about leaving and selling the two houses and he said “I am not selling the beach house. I paid for it, and I am not selling it.” What the hell!?! I have given him money from my paycheck each and every month for the last 20 years as contribution to payments of the homes, insurance, and taxes. And he paid for it all by himself?!? I told him, “You can shove that F*!@-ing house down your F*!@-ing throat!”. Now, this is the second time I got so mad I swore at him. I am no prude and will swear every now and again, but this was getting out of hand for me. I was just so angry.

I believe that you should never say anything unless you mean because once those words are out there you can’t take them back; kidding or not those words do hurt people.
The longer he was around Megan, the worse it got. Coincidence or not?
Who Do You Choose?
Now, Megan isn’t a horrible person, she is actually very nice when you first meet her. Being from up east; however, she can have an attitude and be loud, especially when she has been drinking. She is not the type of person I would like to spend a whole lot of time with because I am not comfortable with that type of behavior and Ron was becoming more and more like her and I didn’t want to be around him either.
I just couldn’t do it anymore, I didn’t like the way he was treating me, especially when he was around Megan. So, I decided that I was not going to be anywhere she would be in attendance and continue feeling the way I felt whenever she was around.

Before I made this decision, we had planned a pizza and pool party when Ron’s sister-in-law asked if we could change it to a birthday party for Megan. I could not deal with that situation, I wasn’t going to spend another afternoon being ignored, belittled, and listening to them cussing and acting foolish. I told Ron that they could still have the party, but I was not going to be there; I would make myself scarce until everyone has left. He got upset and tried to talk me out of it, but finally I am standing my ground; I am not putting up with anything that makes me uncomfortable any longer. So, he cancelled the party.
From that point on, I have tried to avoid situations where she might be. Even though I did my best, I had a sense that she would try to manipulate her way into an invite to Ron’s daughter’s shower planning party, shower, and wedding. Events I definitely didn’t want to miss. I told Ron my suspicion, but he dismissed me and said there would be no reason for her to be at those occasions since the bride nor the groom knew who they were.
When To Say Enough
Much to my relief, Megan did not show up at the shower planning get together, but when we were talking about how many people would be attending the shower, I heard my sister-in-law mention Megan’s name. I wanted to be sure and not jump to conclusions, so I asked, and it was confirmed that Megan and her husband were to be invited to both the shower and the wedding. The thing is that this couple do not know the bride or groom and should not be at either affair. This was my stepdaughter, whom I have grown to love over the last 20 years and had been looking forward to her wedding. Now, it was going to be ruined for me.
On the way home, I told Ron what I learned, and he indicated that he heard that too. I stated that if she was going to be there, I was not going to be present for those events. A huge fight ensued about how I should just let it go, let her be there since it would hurt her feelings if she was un-invited, and I should suck it up. I am done sucking it up! I have done it for over a year now and I have had enough. If he would rather be with her to spare her feelings than my feelings and being comfortable in a social setting, so be it. I am done with the fighting over and over about this situation and my feelings being swept under the rug and ignored.
Later, I don’t know if he realized how strongly I felt about the situation or just capitulating to me, but he said he would talk with his sister-in-law to not invite them. I told him, you could have saved us a fight if you just said, “I understand how you feel; they are not family or friends of the bride and groom. I will call my daughter and tell them not to invite them.” But no, he had to make me feel like my feelings didn’t matter and Megan’s feelings were more important to him.
A couple of days later, he went to talk to his sister-in-law about the situation and to un-invite the couple. When he came home, he said that she wanted to meet for lunch one day to talk about the issue. I really didn’t want to because she can be meddlesome and would tell me to talk to Megan. Why should I talk to her; the issue isn’t with her; the issue is with my husband and how he has been treating me since she has been around. I already told Ron this same thing when he suggested I do the same thing and he said he already told her that I didn’t want to do that. So, I thought maybe she wanted to hear my side of the story and give me some support, which no one has so far.
We met a few days later for an early dinner and the first thing out of her mouth was that I should talk with Megan. Crap! I told her the same thing I told Ron, there was no point, and I wasn’t going to change my mind. Then we talked about how Ron has changed, and she said I just need to give it back to him. What? That is not me, I don’t want to be sarcastic and nasty to other people, even if it is “just kidding.” All it does is hurt people’s feelings and starts fights, and I really don’t want to fight.
Another statement she made proved that no one listens to me and assumes to know what I am feeling. She said, “I told you that all that happened between you and your mother would affect you.” Where did that come from? I told her a long time ago, I was used to the way she treated me, yes, it hurts, but not enough to turn my life upside down. No, it was Ron, and always had been Ron, that has been screwing with my emotions and mental stability.
I barely made it home before I started crying. Once again, someone else was trying to tell me how to be and feel. And what is so wrong with being nice?

I finally realized why bother telling anyone about how I feel or what I am thinking. It doesn’t matter, they are going to hear what they want to hear and tell you exactly how you should act and feel.
Another thing, a couple of days after the disastrous dinner, she sent a text to Ron that contained a text forwarded from Megan’s husband that she sent to him stating that she was so upset about my feelings about her, that he better come get her or she was going to jump off the bridge. What the hell kind of grade school manipulation was that for? Megan does not know me that well, so why would she be so upset that I didn’t want to be “friends” with her. That either proves that she was so distraught she no longer had access to Ron, or she was mentally ill. Neither would convince me to go and hang out with her.
I have made my stand on this issue and will no longer change my mind. Ron must choose what is more important to him. So, we will see…
Come back next Monday for an attempted exorcism. Not a real one. Up until now, you have only seen one side of the story; I am giving Ron a chance to express his point of view on the last few posts.